- Worship and Services
All of our churches are now open for worship on Sundays.
Although not mandatory, you may wish to wear a face covering when attending Church to protect each other, and particularly those who are clinically vulnerable.
Communion will continue to only be given as bread, and the priests will continue the rigorous hygiene protocols that are in place including the wearing of a face covering when distributing the bread.
For those who feel that they would still prefer to join us from home, we will, continue to live stream West Runton’s weekly service.
Joining details can be found on the "Sunday Services and Readings" page.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
We are continually reviewing the situation, so please check the website regularly for updates.
You will have noticed that some of our churches now have Card Readers installed. Many people no longer carry cash, and so it is becoming increasingly important to provide other ways for people to give. The Card Reader allows people to choose the way they want to give money, whether its via Chip and Pin, or a tap of their card or phone. It is very simple to use but if you have any questions then please speak to Jeremy.
Parish giving in the Church of England has slumped by about £40 million during the covid-19 pandemic. Figures presented to the Archbishops’ Council are said to show a 7.8% fall in income compared with 2019. The levels vary across the 42 dioceses: some have experienced a drop approaching 20%, while others have barely been affected.
Here in the Quintet Benefice, we too have suffered a loss of income due, partly, to a reduction in the amount put into the collection plate.
We are very grateful to all those church members who pay a regular amount by Standing Order and would strongly urge anyone who does not currently pay in this way to seriously consider doing so.
Can we also urge everyone to consider increasing the amount that they give and if you are able to make an increase, no matter how small, that would be greatly appreciated.
If you are a UK tax payer, please consider filling in a Gift Aid Form. The church can claim the tax you have paid back from HMRC – which is an extra 25p for every £1 you donate, or put another way, it increases your donation by 25% – that is so long as you have paid the basic rate of tax and make the donation from your own funds.
The church can also claim Gift Aid under the Small Donations Scheme for collections. Under these circumstances, please pay by cash, either in your envelopes or in not more than £20 notes, as we cannot claim Gift Aid under this scheme on cheques or large denomination notes.
If you require any further details, either about paying by Standing Order or about Gift Aid, then please speak to one of the Benefice Gift Aid Officers or one of the Treasurers.
Thank you.