- Walsingham Cell of Our Lady
and Holy Trinity
Objects of the Society:
To honour Mary, the Mother of God and to deepen faith in the incarnation of Our Lord.
To promote devotion to Our Lady and pilgrimage to Walsingham.
To further, with the aid of Our Lady's prayers, the conversion of the nations and the re-union of Christendom.
To seek holiness of life through prayer, the Scriptures and the Sacraments.
Members of the Society are also asked to say the Angelus each day
Cell Superior Revd Paul Yeomans [email protected]
Cell Secretary/Membership Secretary Ali Wharton [email protected]
This last year has unfortunately seen a number of cancellations due to various illnesses. Hopefully, 2025 will be more active, (deo volente) and we anticipate engaging more with the Shrine itself, including a talk by Shrine staff. New members always welcome. The suggested programme for 2025 is below.
January, No meeting
Thursday 13 February, 2.30pm, Fr Paul, Mass for the Shrine and Renewal of Vows. St Andrew’s
Tuesday 25 March, 2.30pm, Annunciation service or talk, St Andrew’s
Friday 11th April, 7.00pm, Fr Paul, Stations of the Cross, Holy Trinity
Thursday 8 May, 10.00am, Fr Paul, Day’s Pilgrimage/Introduction to The Shrine, details TBC, The Shrine of OLW
Thursday 12 June, 7.00pm, TBC Thursday 10 July, 2.30pm, Visit to St Julian’s or Norwich Cathedral (TBC)
Friday 15 August, Assumption of Our Lady, The Shrine of OLW, times TBC
Thursday 11 September, 7.00pm, Fr Paul, Evensong with Benediction, Cheese and Wine, Holy Trinity
October - Fr Paul, Midweek Pilgrimage to The Shrine of OLW Wednesday
15 October, Translation of the Image of OLW, times and details TBC
Thursday 12 November, 2.30pm, TBC
Thursday 11th December 2.30 pm St Andrews Advent Service Fr Paul