Thank you to everyone who continue to kindly donate items for the Foodbank, it is greatly appreciated. This month the Foodbank would appreciate donations of Tinned Meat, Tinned Fish, Tinned Vegetables, Tinned Tomatoes, Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding, Jam, Cuppa Soup, Long-life Milk, Squash, Toiletries, Household Cleaning Items. The Foodbank has also asked for donations of reusable shopping bags. Please leave your donations in church.
A reminder that the Benefice Service will take place at Saint John the Baptist Church on Sunday 30th March at 10.30am when we celebrate Mothering Sunday. We look forward to welcoming you all to the Service.
A message from Jean--
Christmas at St. Andrew’s was busy but really good.
The Coffee Morning raised a wonderful £532! So a huge thank you to everyone who came and supported us.
We had the privilege and pleasure to host the Village Christmas Tree Celebrations this year. About a hundred people enjoyed mulled wine, festive food and musical entertainment, before the blessing of the tree by Jeremy and followed by hearty carol singing. It was amazing! We also were gifted figures for a Nativity display in the church garden, which has been very well received and our thanks go to Mr and Mrs Nigel Coverly for their kindness.
The Carol Service was very well attended, as was the service on Christmas Day.
The Benefice Eucharist on the 29th December brought people from all the churches within the Benefice to St Andrew’s for a lovely service and fellowship over coffee and mince pies afterwards.
We are desperate to have the of the old part of the church, which was once the infants’ room in the school, reroofed. The damp is showing in all four corners inside the church and so we are awaiting permission for the “go ahead” for this from the Archdeacon. This, of course is not cheap and we need to raise £10,000 to fund it. We hope to obtain a grant to help meet this, but meanwhile our fundraising has even more urgency to it and we start this month on Saturday 22nd February with a “Chocolate Coffee Morning” in church from 10.00am to 12 Noon. Do come and support us and indulge yourself before Lent! Everyone is very welcome.
The dates of future “themed” Coffee Mornings are--
Hot Cross Bun 12th April
Springtime 24th May
Summertime 26th July
Harvest 27th September
Christmas 29th November
The 3C’s Club will meet on Monday 3rd February from 10.00am to 12 Noon and again on Monday 3rd March from 10.00am to 12 Noon to undertake some light cleaning in the church. If you can help, do please come along with your feather duster – or just pop in and have a coffee and a chat!
Coffee Mornings continue to take place each Friday in the Church Hall, West Runton from 10.00am to 12 Noon until the beginning of Lent. So, if you have not been before, why not come along and give us a try.
Lent Lunches will take place every Friday in Lent at the Church Hall, West Runton from 12 Noon to 1.30pm. Come and enjoy a bowl of homemade soup and a bread roll for £5. All profits go to Holy Trinity Church, West Runton. Do come and join us on each of the following Fridays--
7th March, 14th March, 21st March, 28th March, 4th April and 11th April
PANCAKE DAY – The Friends will be holding an event in the Village Hall, Gresham on Tuesday 4th March. Please make a note in your diary. More details to follow.
Sheringham & District Philatelic Society --
The first meeting of the Society for 2025 took place on 13th January and was a relaxed and enjoyable affair for the 17 members who attended. Many of the members brought along philatelic items, ranging from individual stamps of some value to boxes of stamps from which to select any of interest at 5p each! There were also albums, first day covers, Hawid strips and much more for this, our annual Members’ Sales evening. It was also the evening for paying the very modest £10 annual subscription and an opportunity to chat with each other as we went from stall to stall!
The next meeting is on 10th February at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, West Runton. This will be a Silent Auction, where once again we bring items for sale to the highest bidder.
We will also meet on Monday 10th March at 7.30pm in the Church Hall, West Runton.
Visitors are most welcome. For further information contact Jim O’Farrell, Secretary on 01263 721043.