- Christmas 2021
Sunday 12 December
St John the Baptist, Aylmerton - 3.00pm Carol Service
St Andrew's. East Runton - 3.00pm Carol Service
Sunday 19 December
All Saints, Beeston Regis - 3.00pm Carol Service
Tuesday 21 December
Holy Trinity, West Runton - 7.00pm Carol Service
Christmas Eve, Friday 24 December
Holy Trinity, West Runton - 4.30pm Crib Service
Holy Trinity, West Runton - 11.30pm First Communion of Christmas
Christmas Day, Saturday 25 December
St Andrew's, East Runton - 9.15am Eucharist
St John the Baptist, Aylmerton - 9.30am Eucharist
All Saints, Beeston Regis - 10.00am Eucharist
All Saints, Gresham - 11.00am Service of The Word
St Stephen's Day, Sunday 26 December
Holy Trinity, West Runton - 10.30am Benefice Eucharist
We look forward to celebrating the coming of the Christ-Child with you all at our services. Please help keep everyone safe and well for Christmas by wearing a face mask, sanitising your hands on arrival and maintaining social distancing while in church.
Live-streamed Services
We understand that you may not feel comfortable at the present time attending in person and so we will be live-streaming the following services from Holy Trinity, West Runton on Zoom.
Tuesday 21 December
7.00pm Carol Service
Christmas Eve, Friday 24 December
4.30pm Crib Service
11.30pm First Communion of Christmas
St Stephen's Day, Sunday 26 December
10.30am Benefice Eucharist
We have also attached the Order of Service for each of these services.
Joining instructions are:
Join Zoom Meeting by clicking on the following link:
Meeting ID: 847 5169 5104
Passcode: 239946
To join by telephone, dial one of the following numbers:
0203 051 2874
0203 481 5237
0203 481 5240
0203 901 7895
You will be asked for the meeting ID (as above) followed by #, you will then be asked for a participant ID press #, finally you will be asked for the passcode (as above) followed by # you will then be let into the service.
Please share the sign-up link as widely as you can: www.DofN.org/advent. Each day’s offering is downloadable and so can be printed out for those without digital access. You might also wish to create an Advent group out of this, gathering people together to share their responses to the previous week’s doors.
Have a good Advent!
Susanna Gunner